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CTH 450.1.1.2

Citatio: M. Kapełuś (ed.), CTH 450.1.1.2 (TX 17.08.2011, TRen 16.02.2011)

§ 8''
34 -- [The]n [they ... ] one pig [and] five arta-bir[ds … ].
35 -- [They attach] the silver snout to the pig.
36 -- [ … ] they at[tach] five [silver and gold] D[UG-jars ]of five shekels of weight to five arta-birds.
37 -- [Then they put the pig] and the arta-birds into [the basin]
38 -- and the pig [di]verts wate[r (for irrigation)]1.
39 -- [She speaks] as foll[ows:]
CHD L-N, 351-352 s.v. nai-. Cf. in Telipinu Myth about filling water canals for irrigation.

Editio ultima: Textus 17.08.2011; Traductionis 16.02.2011